Install WAS 8 using IBM Installation Manager

ibm websphere

Here in this article we will Install WAS 8 using the IBM installation manager tool, please follow below steps by step process to complete the same.

Downloading IBM Installation Manager

At the time of writing, the latest version of IIM (version 1.4.4) can be downloaded from IBM at the following location:

IBM Installation Manager

online documentation located at the following URL:

IIM Documentations

Installing IIM
You should have downloaded one of the following files:
IBM Installation Manager 1.4.4

Linux —-

IBM Installation Manager 1.4.4

Windows —-


1. For Linux:
— Copy the downloaded file to a suitable location on your Linux server and unzip it. Take note of this location for future reference.
— Decompress the ZIP file.

— Ensure you have an X Window System (X11 for short) session running.

— Run the installer using the following command: ./install

2. For Windows:

— Copy the downloaded file to a suitable location on your Windows server. Take note of this location for future reference.

— Decompress the ZIP file.

— Run the installer using the following command: install.exe

Once the installer is loaded, follow the steps mentioned next:

1. The IIM installer will begin an installation wizard. The following screen is presented detailing the version of IIM that is going to be installed. You are also given an option to Check for other Versions, Fixes, and Extensions. If you choose this option, IIM will contact the IBM online repositories and scan for IIM updates. Click Next to continue:

IBM Installation Manager

2. Read the license agreement, and then select the I accept the terms in the license agreement radio option, and click Next.

3. In the following screen you will be given an option to change the location where the IBM Installation Manager will be installed. Either accept the default location or alter it as per your requirement. We will refer to this path as <iim_root>. Click Next to continue:

IBM Installation Manager

4. Review the installation summary information that is presented and click Install to perform the installation.

5. Once the IIM installation has completed, click the Restart Installation Manager button to restart IIM.


Installing WAS using IBM Installation Manager

1. If IIM is not already running, launch IIM. You can use the following commands to launch IIM:

°° For Linux:
°° For Windows:

2. Once IIM is loaded, you will be presented with the workbench screen:

IBM Installation Manager

3. Before we can install WAS, we need to set the repository location preferences.This will inform IIM where the WAS repository components are located. Using the File menu, select the Preferences option.

In the Preferences page, you can select the location of your WAS binary repositories. If you have a Passport Advantage account, you can set the appropriate authentication settings for downloading the commercial versions of IBM products and install from a local repository.

4. To add a repository location, click the Add Repository button located at the top right-hand corner of the preferences screen.

5. In the Add a repository pop-up dialog, type the following URL in the Repository field:

6. Click OK to add the URL to the Repositories list. You will be prompted by IIM to supply your IBM username and password (IBM ID). If you do not have an IBM ID, click the IBM ID and FAQ link to register. Once you have entered your IBM ID username and password, click OK. A new entry will appear in the Repositories list:

IBM WAS INstallation

7. Click OK again to close and return to the main workbench screen.
8. From the main workbench screen, locate and click the Install button.

9. IIM will check online for the availability of the latest downloads and fix packs for the trial. Once the process has been completed, a list of installation packages will be presented.

10. Ensure that all the installation packages are selected. Click the Check for other Versions, Fixes and Extensions button and IIM will re-verify the available downloads online. Once the verification is complete, click Next.

11. In the following screen you will be presented with details of the actual WAS binaries and latest fixes that need to be downloaded from the online IBM repository. Click Next to continue.

12. You will now be presented with another license screen, this time for WAS. Read the license agreement, then select the I accept the terms in the license agreement radio option, and click Next.

13. On the next screen, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire detailing your reason for evaluating WAS. Answer the questions as required and click Next to continue.

14. The next screen defines where the IIM will create the WAS-shared resources folder. This folder contains the files that make up what is known as the installation repository. Accept the default location suggested by the IIM installer, or enter a different one. In the following example, we have used the default provided location /opt/IBM/IMShared. We will refer to the location as <iim_shared_resources>. Click Next to move on to the next screen where you will be asked to supply the location to install the WAS binaries:

IBM WAS Installation Screen


15. You will now be given an opportunity to decide where you want to install this instance of WAS. Once again, you can decide on a file path that is convenient to your needs. It may be useful to shorten the folder names, which will make it easier for administration later when we need to navigate through the WAS filesystems. For our purposes, we are going to accept the default location in the installation directory field as shown in the following screenshot. Take note of this path. Throughout the book it will be referred to as the <was_root> path:


IBM WAS Installation Manager

16. On the next page, select your preferred language, and click Next again, to move onto the features screen.

17. Within the features screen, you will have the option to install the sample applications provided by IBM for testing JEE concepts and features of WAS. This is an optional choice. You may wish to install the samples for later exploration. There are two other options, which we will leave checked:

• EJBDeploy tool for pre-EJB 3.0 modules:

Provided for backwards compatibility for generating EJB 2.0 deployment code.

• Standalone clients and resource adapters:

Provides a set of clients for a variety of technologies, such as JAX-WS, JAX-RPC, JAX-RS, XML, EJB, JPA, JMS, and others.

18. Consult with your application development team to understand whether you need to incorporate these two options, or not.

— Installing the sample applications will add extra logging information to your installation and clutter the admin console, so it is recommended not to install these applications until you need them. They can be installed using IIM at a later date.


19. Also within the features screen, IIM will have already detected your Operating System (OS) architecture and pre-selected either the 32-bit or 64- bit IBM Software Development Kit option. Ensure this is correct for your OS. Click Next to continue.

20. Click Next to proceed to the final summary screen and review the options you have chosen in the previous steps.

21. Click the Install button to begin the actual WAS installation. Once the installation is complete, you will be given an option to run the Profile Management Tool (PMT) to create a WAS profile. At this stage, we do not want to launch the PMT tool.

22. Select the option labeled None and exit the IBM Installation Manager.

Verifying the installed binaries

All we have installed at this point is the base binaries into the location we specified. By looking at the files installed by the installer, you will see what makes up the base binaries. You will also notice that the folder permissions are rwxr-xr-x (755), which is a result of the 022 umask that we set before we ran the installation wizard.
We will now do a quick check to see if the base binaries have installed correctly by running the WAS command script (which is found in the <was_root>/bin folder). We can generate a report that will identify the state of the installation.

Run the following command:
1. For Linux:
2. For Windows:
The result of running the previous command will be a report similar to the following screenshot:

IBM WAS Installation version info Screen


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