Distributed transaction service configuration
Use this task to change the transaction log properties, to move your transaction logs to a new location, or to update the parameters for the server's transaction logs.
#--Configuring properties of distributed transaction service -- params nodeName and serverName
proc modifytransactionLogDirLoc {} {
global ScriptLocation; source "$ScriptLocation/Definitions.jacl"
puts "************************************************************************"
puts "---- Configuring properties for transaction service ----"
puts "************************************************************************"
#Params passed local
set transactionLogDirLoc "/opt/IBM/transaction.log"
set aServer [$AdminConfig getid /Node:$nodeName/Server:$serverName/]
set aTransService [$AdminConfig list TransactionService $aServer]
set totTrantimeoutAttr [list totalTranLifetimeTimeout 500]
set inactTimeoutAttr [list clientInactivityTimeout 50]
set logDirAttr [list transactionLogDirectory $transactionLogDirLoc]
set attrs [list $totTrantimeoutAttr $inactTimeoutAttr $logDirAttr]
$AdminConfig modify $aTransService $attrs
$AdminConfig save
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