Configuring java thread pool in websphere
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Using below function we can configure the java thread pool properties in websphere #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--Configuring thread pool properties for Web container #-- params req -- nodeName serverName hostname #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc webcontainer_threadpool {} { puts "************************************************************************" puts "---- Configuring Threadpool properties for Web container ----" puts "************************************************************************" set aServer [$AdminConfig getid /Node:$nodeName/Server:$serverName/] # get the WebContainer config object name for the above server set aWC [$AdminConfig list WebContainer $aServer] # setting up virtualHost and servletCaching attributes set virtualHostAttr [list defaultVirtualHostName $hostname] set servletCachingAttr [list enableServletCaching true] # modifying virtualHost and servletCaching attributes puts "Modifying general properties" set attrs [list $virtualHostAttr $servletCachingAttr] $AdminConfig modify $aWC $attrs # setting up ThreadPool attributes # inactivity time out is in number of milliseconds set inactivityTimeoutAttr [list inactivityTimeout 1000] set isGrowableAttr [list isGrowable true] set maxSzAttr [list maximumSize 20] set minSzAttr [list minimumSize 5] set threadPoolAttrs [list $inactivityTimeoutAttr $isGrowableAttr $maxSzAttr $minSzAttr] # get ThreadPool config object name for the WebContainer set threadPool [$AdminConfig showAttribute $aWC threadPool] # check if there is existing thread pool if {[llength $threadPool] != 0} { # modifying ThreadPool attribute puts "Modifying ThreadPool properties" $AdminConfig modify $threadPool $threadPoolAttrs puts [$AdminConfig showall $threadPool] } else { # create a thread pool puts "Creating a new ThreadPool" set threadPool [$AdminConfig create ThreadPool $aWC $threadPoolAttrs] puts [$AdminConfig showall $threadPool] } puts "saving configuration." $AdminConfig save }
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