IIS Apache Tomcat Configuration Steps
![Microsoft IIS](https://i0.wp.com/www.techpaste.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Microsoft-IIS.jpg?fit=237%2C246&ssl=1)
Installing Microsoft Internet Information Server Plug-In
To install the Microsoft Internet Information Server Plug-In, perform the following tasks.
1. Prerequisite:
Application on tomcat should have been installed properly.
IIS (part of the OS) should also have been installed.
2. Create a convenient directory that is accessible by IIS and a mandatory directory.
Let us create the following directories:
a. Extract the zip file “ISAPI Plugin files for Tomcat ”
b. Copy the tc_iis folder to C:\
i. In this readme we have followed C:\tc_iis folder as the plugin folder
ii. We can copy tc_iis folder to any other place as required but need to update the properties file accordingly.
iii. tc_iis folder can also be renamed but care should be taken to update the properties file accordingly.
3. Edit the isapi_redirect.properties file under C:\tc_iis folder:
i. Change C:\tc_iis to the actual drive and directory name where the DLL is located.
ii. Save the file and exit the file.
NOTE: In case this readme is being followed, this step can be skipped.
4. Edit the workers.properties file under C:\tc_iis folder:
i. Change the following values to the actual tomcat server values:
ii. Save the file and exit the file.
NOTE: In case default tomcat port is used and if tomcat is installed on this same server, this step can be skipped.
5. Make sure the IIS user (Launch IIS Process Account) has full rights for the c:\tc_iis folder
6. Open the “Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager” by selecting it from the Windows
Start menu > Administrative tools.
7. In the left panel of the Service Manager, select your website (the default is “Default Web
Site”). Alternatively create a new website and name it MYIIS. Steps to create it are as
a. Right Click on the Web Sites and select New > Click on “Web Site…”
b. In the Web Site Creation Wizard window, click the Next button.
c. In the “Web Site Description” screen type “MYIIS” in the Description and click
the Next button
d. In the “IP Address and Port Settings” Screen select the specific IP address
which is required to configured. Let the default port be 80. Click the Next button.
NOTE: Host header is optional. If one or more IIS Web Site is or will be running on port 80, please
consult your domain or system administrator for the host header name for Enterprise
Compliance Platform (Application).
e. In the Web Site Home Directory Screen Click on the Browse button and select
the directory \Html. Make sure the
Allow anonymous access to this Web site option is checked. Click the Next
f. In the Web Site Access Permissions screen make sure only the following are
• Read
• Run scripts and
• Execute
Click the Next button.
g. You would get a successful dialogue. Click on the Finish button.
h. In case you get the unsuccessful dialogue, no issue all is still fine. Click “Finish”
button. Only the port we configured (80) is being used by some other process. We need
to identify that process and stop its services.
NOTE: If one or more IIS Web Site is running on port 80, please consult your domain or system
administrator for the host header name for Application. Or stop the Web Site and proceed with our
8. Select MYIIS Web Site and click the “Play” arrow in the toolbar to start “MYIIS” website, if it
not already started. If the Website is started already “Play” would be disabled.
9. Open the properties for the “MYIIS” website by holding the right mouse button down over
the website selection in the left pane and clicking on “Properties”
10. To configure ISAPI filter:
a. In the Properties panel, click on the “ISAPI Filters” tab, and click the Add
b. In the “Add/Edit filter properties” popup perform the following operations:
i. Type filter name as “ecptomcat”
ii. Click “Browse…” button to find the “isapi_redirect.dll” file at c:\tc_iis
and click the Open button on the open popup.
iii. Click the OK button.
c. The ISAPI Filters will be recorded but not loaded. Click on “Apply” button to save.
NOTE: The status would remain unchanged even after the Apply button is clicked. This would require
a restart of the IIS Admin service, which will be executed in a later step in this document.
11. Setting up the Plugin Virtual Directories:
a. In IIS Manager, right click on the MYIIS website and go to New. Click on “Virtual
Directory…” in the submenu to start the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard.
b. Click on Next button in the window, which comes up.
c. In the dialogue window “Virtual Directory Alais” screen give Alias as “MS_Application”
without double quotes and click on “Next” button.
d. In the “Web Site Content Directory” screen, browse to, by clicking on the “Browse…”
button, and select c:\tc_iis and click on “Next”
e. In the “Virtual Directory Access Permissions” window:
i. check if Read and Run is selected
ii. Select Execute
iii. click on “Next” button.
NOTE: Execute should be checked for ISAPI plugin to work properly
6. On successful completion of the Virtual Directory Creation click on the “Finish” button in
the dialogue.
12. Setting Up the Web Service Extension
a. Click on IIS Manager > Local computer > Web Service Extension
b. Click on “All Unknown ISAPI Extensions”, to select, in the right panel and Click on
Allow button.
c. In the prompt dialogue which comes up click on “Yes” button.
13. Check the status of “All Unknown ISAPI Extensions” it should be “Allowed”.
14. Restart the “IIS Admin Service” (under services, in the control panel). Changes in the
parameters will not go into effect until this step is performed.
Installing the Virtual Directories in IIS for Application
To install the Microsoft Internet Information Server Virtual Directories:
1. In IIS Manager, right click on the MYIIS website and go to New. Click on “Virtual
Directory…” in the submenu to start the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard.
2. Click on Next button in the window, which comes up.
3. In the dialogue window “Virtual Directory Alais” screen give Alias as “my_images”
without double quotes and click on “Next” button.
4. In the “Web Site Content Directory” screen, browse to, by clicking on the “Browse…”
button, and select \images and click on “Next”
5. In the “Virtual Directory Access Permissions” window check if Read is selected and
click on “Next” button.
NOTE: Only Read should be checked for security reason
6. On successful completion of the Virtual Directory Creation click on the “Finish” button in
the dialogue.
Checking the installation
1. Open the properties for the “MYIIS” website by holding the right mouse button down over
the website selection in the left panel and click on “Properties”.
2. Open a browser and set the URL to the IIS + MYIIS URL as shown below:
NOTE: This is required to enable IIS to load the ISAPI filter we had configured earlier.
3. To check ISAPI filter status:
In the Properties panel, select the “ISAPI Filters” tab. The status should be
loaded and the Icon should be Green Up arrow.
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