Run openoffice as service in JBoss cluster



Clustered Servers: ClusterServer1 and ClusterServer2

OpenOffice Server: OpenOfficeServer1

Os on all servers: Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 6)

Users running services:

Jboss Server service:
ClusterServer1 and ClusterServer2: jbossadm:jbossadm(uid:gid-500:500)

OpenOffice as Service:
OpenOfficeServer1: jbossadm:jbossadm(uid:gid-500:500)
OO server installed by root user.

File System Permissions and Owners:

ClusterServer1 and ClusterServer2: 0744 for all folders,subfolders and files. 0777 for temp directories.(temp1 and temp2). Owner: jbossadm:jbossadm

OpenOfficeServer1: 0777 for openoffice folder, subfolders and files. Owner: root:root

Setup Type A:

ClusterServer1’s MyApplication folder is mounted to ClusterServer2
OpenOffice 3.1 installed on ClusterServer2

Setup Type B(Recommended):

1. ClusterServer1’s MyApplication folder mounted to ClusterServer2 and OpenOfficeServer1.
On ClusterServer1:

su -
vi /etc/exports
/var/opt/jboss/server/MyApplication *(rw,no_root_squash,sync)
/var/opt/jboss/server/MyApplication/temp2 *(rw,no_root_squash,sync)

On ClusterServer2 and OpenOfficeServer1

su -
mount -o nolock ClusterServer1:/var/opt/jboss/server/MyApplication /var/opt/jboss/server/MyApplication

2. Created /var/opt/jboss/server/MyApplication/temp2 folder with 0777(jbossadm:jbossadm) permission at ClusterServer1

3. Mount the temp2 folder to same place at OpenOfficeServer1 machine with 0777(jbossadm:jbossadm) permission.

mount -o nolock ClusterServer1:/var/opt/jboss/server/MyApplication/temp2 /var/opt/jboss/server/MyApplication/temp2

4. Created /var/opt/jboss/server/MyApplication/temp1 folder with 0777(jbossadm:jbossadm) permission at ClusterServer2

5. Mount the temp1 folder to same place at OpenOfficeServer1 machine with 0777(jbossadm:jbossadm) permission.

mount -o nolock ClusterServer2:/var/opt/jboss/server/MyApplication/temp1 /var/opt/jboss/server/MyApplication/temp1

6. Restart ClusterServer1 and ClusterServer2 Jboss server services.

7. Start Openoffice as service with jbossadm:jbossadm privileges.

/opt/openoffice.org3.1/program/soffice -invisible -"accept=socket,host=0,port=8100;urp" &

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