Steps To Import SSL certificate in Java Keystore
1. Open IE and type the following url:
https:<ldapurl:sslport> e.g. https://ire1:636
2. Click View Certificate
3. Verify validity on General tab.
4. Click on Certification Path tab and verify Certification Path.
5. Click on Details tab and click Copy to File.
6. Click Next
7. Click Next
8. Enter filename and save the certificate in a folder.
9. Click Next
10. Click Next and click Finish
11. Copy the exported .CER file to server and save it in a temp folder .(E.g: /opt/work/ire1.cer)
For deleting old imported certificate and importing a new one to keytool follow below steps:
12. Delete the prior imported certificate from keystore.
keytool -delete -alias <alias name> -keystore " <keystore path> e.g. keytool -delete -alias OLD_AD -keystore "/opt/Java/jdk1.5.0_21/jre/lib/security/cacerts"
13. Import the certificate exported in step 10.
keytool -importcert -alias <alias name> -file <certificate fullname> -keystore <keystore path> e.g. keytool -importcert -alias NEW_AD -file "/opt/ire1.cer" -keystore "/opt/Java/jdk1.5.0_20/jre/lib/security/cacerts "
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