Solving IHS Not Starting Issue
![IBM HTTP Server](
usually after a fresh installation we face issues while starting IBM HTP server regarding access of admin username provided in httpd configuration in WAS Admin Console. To solve this kind of ihs not starting issues we need to add the username provided in IBM IHS in WAS Admin console to let the access to httpd.conf by the admin server adminctl. below are the steps which can be followed to achieve the same:
bash-2.05# su - Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.9 Generic May 2002 You have new mail. bash-2.05# cd /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/bin bash-2.05# groupadd admin bash-2.05# useradd -g admin admin bash-2.05# ./htpasswd ../conf/admin.passwd admin New password: Re-type new password: Adding password for user root bash-2.05# ./setupadm -usr admin -grp admin -cfg ../conf/httpd.conf -adm ../conf/admin.conf -usr admin -grp admin -cfg ../conf/httpd.conf -adm ../conf/admin.conf Script Completed RC(90) bash-2.05# bash-2.05# ./adminctl start httpd: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName ./adminctl start: admin http started bash-2.05#./apachectl start
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Excellent tip!!
Glad it helped!!
Normally I do this, while creating webserver definition from the dmgr console. But I Thank you, this has worked.