The domain edit lock is owned by another session in non-exclusive mode
While deploying/undeploying several j2ee applications deployed on weblogic server using shell scripts :
while executing below command to undeploy u might see below error in log
weblogic.Deployer -adminurl t3://appsure.techpaste:7001/ -user weblogic -undeploy -name forumrack
above undeploy command failes with error
<Sep 20, 2011 2:15:16 AM EDT> <Info> <J2EE Deployment SPI> <BEA-260121> <Initiating undeploy operation for application, forumrack archive: null, to configured targets.> Deployer:149163The domain edit lock is owned by another session in non-exclusive mode - this deployment operation requires exclusive access to the edit lock and hence cannot proceed. If you are using "Automatically Aquire Lock and Activate Changes" in the console, then the lock will expire shortly so retry this operation.
Make sure you have disabled check box “Automatically Acquire Lock and Activate Changes” in WLS Admin Console.
Open the Admin console and goto preference in the top menu Preference > Advance Option > automatically aquire lock and Activate changes
It is checked by default uncheck it and then release the lock
This could be causing due to a previous lock session not being released gracefully.
You can work-around this by deleting the edit.lok file present inside the domain_home and config.lok file inside the domain_home/bin directory.
It might be possible that some other session is holding a lock on the config.xml file when the weblogic.Deployer attempts to make the changes.
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