wlst script example to start, stop and run as service
Below are the wlst script example which you can use in combination to make weblogic a service and automate the start/stop of Admin servers , managed servers and Node manager.
Create a folder at your server for ex: /opt/WLS/scripts/ where you will store all your scripts.
There are 5 scripts
MainWLS.sh : Script to manually start/stop all servers(including nodemanager). Can be used in /etc/init.d so that after system/machine reboot also the weblogic servers will comeup automatically.
Commands: MainWLS.sh start|stop
#! /bin/bash # # description: Oracle Weblogic auto start-stop script. # Source function library. . /etc/init.d/functions MW_HOME="/u01/app/oracle/middleware" DM_HOME="/u02/weblogic/user_projects/domains/base_domain" JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dweblogic.security.SSL.ignoreHostnameVerification=true" fileDate=`date '+%F_%H%M'` RETVAL=0 start() { export MW_HOME DM_HOME JAVA_OPTIONS logFileName=nodemanager.log.$fileDate nohup $MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/server/bin/startNodeManager.sh > $MW_HOME/logs/$logFileName & chown oracle:oinstall $MW_HOME/logs/$logFileName su oracle -c '/opt/WLS/scripts/startServers.sh' return $RETVAL } stop() { export MW_HOME DM_HOME JAVA_OPTIONS su oracle -c '/opt/WLS/scripts/stopServers.sh' return $RETVAL } case "$1" in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; *) echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop}" exit 1 esac exit $?
Above wlst script example can be used as a linux/*NIX service to start servers using “chkconfig –add servicename”
The above MainWLS.sh script refers 3 script files for starting servers.
startNodeManager.sh -> Provided by Oracle. ($MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/server/bin/) -> Starts Nodemanager
startServers.sh -> We will create it in below section to start all servers including Admin and Managed.
stopServers.sh -> We will create it in below section to stop all servers including Admin and Managed.
Now we will create startServers.sh script to start all servers.(Admin and Managed)
#Shell to start Admin Server First. export JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dweblogic.security.SSL.nojce=true\ -Dweblogic.security.SSL.ignoreHostnameVerification=true" export PRE_CLASSPATH="${MW_HOME}/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/jsafeFIPS.jar" export USER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms1280m -Xmx1280m -XX:MaxPermSize=256M" export LOG_DIR="${MW_HOME}/logs" export WLS_REDIRECT_LOG=${LOG_DIR}/AdminServer.log #echo "Starting admin server" mv ${WLS_REDIRECT_LOG} ${WLS_REDIRECT_LOG}.`date +%F_%H%M` # # start the WLS admin server. # nohup $DM_HOME/startWebLogic.sh & # # once Admin Server is started, now we can start all the managed servers # echo `env` >> $MW_HOME/logs/startup.log source $DM_HOME/bin/setDomainEnv.sh # #Below startMS.py python script is used to start all the managed servers present in your domain(Ex: base_domain). # java weblogic.WLST /opt/WLS/scripts/startMS.py
Above script startServers.sh refers startMS.py python script to start all the managed servers.
Please find the python code for startMS.py
import time sleep=time.sleep configFile = "/u02/weblogic/user_projects/domains/base_domain/userConfig.dat" pwFile = "/u02/weblogic/user_projects/domains/base_domain/userKey.dat" while True: try: connect(userConfigFile=configFile, userKeyFile=pwFile, url='t3://my.Adminserver.com:7001') break except: sleep(60) nmConnect(userConfigFile=configFile, userKeyFile=pwFile, domainName='base_domain') nmStart('ManageServer1') nmStart('ManageServer2') exit()
you can see I have given configFile and Password file instead of username and password for better security.
You can also create you own secured/encrypted secure file using wlst.
When you use this command with no arguments the user configuration file for the current user will be generated within the current OS user’s home folder.
All above scripts were for starting Adminserver, Nodemanager and Managed servers.
Now we will see the stop part scripts for AdminServer, managed servers.
stopServers.sh -> Referenced in MainWLS.sh
cd /opt/WLS source $DM_HOME/bin/setDomainEnv.sh java weblogic.WLST /opt/WLS/scripts/stopMS.py exit
stopMS.py -> Python script to stop Managed servers, Admin server and Nodemanager
configFile = "/u02/weblogic/user_projects/domains/base_domain/userConfig.dat" pwFile = "/u02/weblogic/user_projects/domains/base_domain/userKey.dat" connect(userConfigFile=configFile, userKeyFile=pwFile, url='t3://my.AdminServer.com:7001') nmConnect(userConfigFile=configFile, userKeyFile=pwFile, domainName='base_domain') print " shutting down managed servers" shutdown('ManageServer1',force='true') print " ManageServer1 shutdown" shutdown('ManageServer2',force='true') print " ManageServer2 shutdown" print "Shutting down Admin Server" shutdown('AdminServer',force='true') print "Stopping node manager" stopNodeManager() exit()
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Need python script for deploying and undeployment of a EAR file in Weblogic Server. Following are the steps need to be covered.
1. Stop the EAR if it already exists in Weblogic Server
2. Delete the project (EAR file)
3. Restart the Weblogic Server
4. Deploy the New EAR to weblogic Server
5. Start the services of the project (EAR)
Paddu, here is the script for your job. If you find it useful then please share the post , so that more audience can get the benefit.
Could you please provide me with a unix shell script for performing the same deployment on weblogic server?
Thanks in Advance!!!
Youmcan use the same commands as mentioned in the post and put them in a .sh file with $1,$2$3 as arguments to shell script.
java weblogic.WLST manageApplication.py -u username -p password -a adminUrl [:] -n deploymentName -f deploymentFile -t deploymentTarget
and use the sh file like
autodeploy.sh weblogic weblogic1 newtest.wlst.techpaste.com:6090 ………so on..
Thanks for the reply. But as i am new to unix, could you please edit the same script and send it out to me if possible. It would be of great help.
Thanks in Advance!
You can use below script to stop the application and undeploy if exist and then redeploy the application and to stop start application server you can take the above script mentioned in above post
print ‘stopping and undeploying …’
print ‘Redeploying…’
except Exception:
print ‘Deploy…’
deploy(‘WebApplication’, ‘/home/saeed/project/test/WebApplication/dist/WebApplication.war’)
Hi All,
I am looking for the script for auto start and stop of the services ( nodemanager, admin and managed server ) in AIX 7.1 when server get rebooted.
I went through the above script but it looks like some command is not compatible with AIX because of which script failed.
Can you please help me to provide these script compatible with AIX7.1
Thanks in Advance!
Hi Ramakanta, thanks very much to guide us about automating the server life cycle here. Can you explain a bit more about the following lines at MainWLS.sh? I have admin yet don’t have su privilege in the servers. In addition, we already have the log files configured. So maybe I can skip “logFileName=nodemanager.log.$fileDate”?
chown oracle:oinstall $MW_HOME/logs/$logFileName
su oracle -c ‘/u01/app/oracle/scripts/startServers.sh’
return $RETVAL
su oracle -c ‘/u01/app/oracle/scripts/stopServers.sh’
return $RETVAL
Thanks much,
Yes it shall be fine.