WLST create domain example | Weblogic
Below is the sample wlst script which can be saved as somefile.py and run via wlst command line to create a vanilla domain.
readTemplate("WL_HOME/common/templates/domains/wls.jar") cd('Servers/AdminServer') set('ListenAddress','') set('ListenPort', 7001) create('AdminServer','SSL') cd('SSL/AdminServer') set('Enabled', 'True') set('ListenPort', 7002) cd('/') cd('Security/base_domain/User/weblogic') cmo.setPassword('weblogic1') setOption('OverwriteDomain', 'true') writeDomain('D:/Weblogic_Domains/WLSTDomain') closeTemplate() exit()
This is a sample script to create a vanilla wls domain. You can add more resources to it as needed.
You can find more wlst scripts at WL_HOME\common\templates\scripts\wlst and the one which creates WLS domain with JMS,JDBC etc resources.
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