Configuring session persistence in websphere application server
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#------------------------------------------------------------------ #-- Configuring session manager for Web container #------------------------------------------------------------------ set aServer [$AdminConfig getid /Node:$nodeName/Server:$serverName/] set aSessionMgr [$AdminConfig list SessionManager $aServer] puts "Configure session serialization access" set serialAccessAttr [list allowSerializedSessionAccess true] set waitTimeAttr [list maxWaitTime 125000] set timeoutAttr [list accessSessionOnTimeout true] set attrs [list $serialAccessAttr $waitTimeAttr $timeoutAttr] $AdminConfig modify $aSessionMgr $attrs puts "Configure to track session with cookies" set cookieAttr [list enableCookies true] set protocolAttr [list enableProtocolSwitchRewriting false] set urlAttr [list enableUrlRewriting false] set sslAttr [list enableSSLTracking false] # valid session persistence mode values are NONE, DATABASE, and DATA_REPLICATION] set sessionPersistenceAttr [list sessionPersistenceMode DATABASE] set attrs [list $cookieAttr $urlAttr $sslAttr $protocolAttr] $AdminConfig modify $aSessionMgr $attrs # setting up Cookie attributes set domainAttr [list domain myDomain] # set cookie maximum age to use current browser session set maxAgeAttr [list maximumAge -1] set nameAttr [list name myCookie] set pathAttr [list path "/"] set secureAttr [list secure true] set cookieAttrs [list $domainAttr $maxAgeAttr $nameAttr $pathAttr $secureAttr] # get the cookie config object name for the above SessionManager set cookie [$AdminConfig showAttribute $aSessionMgr defaultCookieSettings] # check if there is existing cookie properties if {[llength $cookie] != 0} { # modifying existing cookie puts "Modify existing cookie" $AdminConfig modify $cookie $cookieAttrs puts [$AdminConfig showall $cookie] } else { # create a cookie puts "Create a cookie" set cookie [$AdminConfig create Cookie $aSessionMgr $cookieAttrs] puts [$AdminConfig showall $cookie] } # setting up database session persistence puts "Configure for database session persistence" set dsJndiAttr [list datasourceJNDIName jdbc/mySession] set userAttr [list userId myUser] set pwdAttr [list password myPassword] set sessionDbPersAttrs [list $dsJndiAttr $userAttr $pwdAttr] # get session database persistence config object name set aSessionDbPers [$AdminConfig showAttribute $aSessionMgr sessionDatabasePersistence] if {[llength $aSessionDbPers] != 0} { puts "Modify existing session database persistence" $AdminConfig modify $aSessionDbPers $sessionDbPersAttrs puts [$AdminConfig showall $aSessionDbPers] } else { puts "Create a session database persistence object" set aSessionDbPers [$AdminConfig create SessionDatabasePersistence $aSessionMgr $sessionDbPersAttrs] puts [$AdminConfig showall $aSessionDbPers] } # setting up attributes for TuningParams set aofAttr [list allowOverflow true] set isAttr [list invalidationSchedule [list [list firstHour 2] [list secondHour 5]]] set itAttr [list invalidationTimeout 10] set mimscAttr [list maxInMemorySessionCount 5] set siAttr [list scheduleInvalidation true] set umrsAttr [list usingMultiRowSchema true] set wcAttr [list writeContents ONLY_UPDATED_ATTRIBUTES] set wfAttr [list writeFrequency END_OF_SERVLET_SERVICE] set wiAttr [list writeInterval 5] set tuningParamAttrs [list $aofAttr $isAttr $itAttr $mimscAttr $siAttr $umrsAttr $wcAttr $wfAttr $wiAttr] # get tuning params config object name set tp [$AdminConfig showAttribute $aSessionMgr tuningParams] # check if there is existing tuning params if {[llength $tp] != 0} { # modifying TuningParams attributes puts "Modify existing tuning params" $AdminConfig modify $tp $tuningParamAttrs puts [$AdminConfig showall $tp] } else { # create a turning params object puts "Create a tuning params object" set tp [$AdminConfig create TuningParams $aSessionMgr $tuningParamAttrs] puts [$AdminConfig showall $tp] } $AdminConfig save
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