Redhat linux tips and tricks
1. Wiping a Hard Drive
Have you ever needed to completely wipe out critical data from a hard drive? As we all know, mkfs doesn’t erase a lot. (You already knew this, right?) mkfs and its variants (e.g., mkfs.ext3 and mke2fs) only get rid of a few important data structures on the filesystem, but the data is still there! For a SCSI disk connected as /dev/sdb, a quick
dd if=/dev/sdb | strings
will let anyone recover text data from a supposedly erased hard drive. Binary data is more complicated to retrieve, but the same basic principle applies: the data was not completely erased.
To make things harder for the bad guys, an old trick was to use the ‘dd’ command as a way to erase a drive.
Note: This command will erase your disk!
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb
There’s one problem with this: newer, more advanced, techniques make it possible to retrieve data that were replaced with a bunch of 0s. To make it more difficult, if not impossible, for the bad guys to read data that was previously stored on a disk, Red Hat ships the “shred” utility as part of the coreutils RPM package. Launching “shred” on a disk or a partition will write repeatedly (25 times by default) to all locations on the disk.
Note: Be careful with this one too!
shred /dev/sdb
This is currently known to be a very safe way to delete data from a hard drive before, let’s say, you ship it back to the manufacturer for repair or before you sell it on eBay!
2. How To Determine the Manufacturer of a Laptop Battery
With all the recent news about laptop batteries suddenly exploding, it might be a good idea to determine the manufacturer and model number of the battery that’s currently connected to your laptop.
A simple file, included with the 2.6 kernel that runs on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, can easily show this infor- mation on any laptop running with ACPI enabled:
cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info
Look for the “model number” and “OEM info” fields.
3. Sharing a Hot Spare Device in Software RAID
By Forrest Taylor, Red Hat Certified Engineer
Have you ever wondered if you could share a hot spare device between two software RAID arrays? You can share a hot spare device if you put mdadm in daemon mode and have it poll your RAID arrays.
Let’s assume that you have two RAID 1 arrays with one hot spare configured in this manner:
/dev/md0 RAID1
/dev/md1 RAID1
/dev/sde1 (Hot Spare)
This setup shows /dev/md0 with two devices, and /dev/md1 with three devices, with /dev/sde1 as a hot spare. In this scenario, you want to share /dev/sde1 with /dev/md0 if it should need it. To do that, you must configure the /etc/mdadm.conf file and define a spare-group name.
In /etc/mdadm.conf, start off by listing all of the devices:
echo “DEVICE /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde1”
>> /etc/mdadm.conf
Scan the RAID arrays for the current details, and add it to the file:
mdadm -D -s >> /etc/mdadm.conf
/etc/mdadm.conf should now contain something like the following:
# Caution, the ARRAY and UUID should be on the same line.
DEVICE /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1
ARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid1 num-devices=2
UUID=29bc861f:6f1c72b0:162f7a88:1db03ffe devices=/dev/sda1,/dev/sdb1
ARRAY /dev/md1 level=raid1 num-devices=2
UUID=aee2ae4c:ec7e4bab:51aefe40:9b54af78 devices=/dev/sdc1,/dev/sdd1,/dev/sde1
At this point, you need to create a spare-group entry for each array. The name does not matter, as long as it is the same for each array that you want to share the hot spare device(s).
Here, we choose “shared” as the name of the spare-group and add an entry for each ARRAY in the
/etc/mdadm.conf file:
# Caution, the ARRAY and UUID should be on the same line.
DEVICE /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde1
ARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid1 num-devices=2
UUID=29bc861f:6f1c72b0:162f7a88:1db03ffe devices=/dev/sda1,/dev/sdb1
ARRAY /dev/md1 level=raid1 num-devices=2
UUID=aee2ae4c:ec7e4bab:51aefe40:9b54af78 devices=/dev/sdc1,/dev/sdd1,/dev/sde1 spare-group=shared
Once the configuration file is ready, mdadm can run in daemon mode and poll the devices. If mdadm deter- mines that a device has failed, it will look for an array in the same spare-group that contains all of the stan- dard devices plus a hot spare device. If it finds any, it will move the hot spare to the array that needs it. In our case, if /dev/md0 were to lose a device, it would look at /dev/md1 and find the two devices of the array plus a hot spare, and it will move the hot spare device to /dev/md0 and begin the rebuild process.
Run mdadm in daemon mode and have it monitor and scan the arrays:
mdadm -F -s -m root@localhost -f
The default poll time is 60 seconds, but can be changed using the -d option (e.g., -d 300 would poll every 5 minutes).
Now test out this feature by failing and removing a device from /dev/md0:
mdadm /dev/md0 -f /dev/sda1 -r /dev/sda1
The next time that mdadm polls the devices, it should determine that /dev/md1 has a spare device, and it should move /dev/sde1 to /dev/md0 and rebuild the array. You can then add in /dev/sda1 and it will become your hot spare device:
mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sda1
4. USB when the Drivers Aren’t Available
As a way to save a few valuable pennies on newer PCs, manufacturers are increasingly getting rid of the good old PS/2 keyboard and mouse interfaces. As a result, some recent systems only ship with USB ports to which we need to connect a USB keyboard and mouse.
USB is all well and good, but what if the driver for your USB controller is not loaded? In practice, this is not a problem, as Red Hat loads the ehci- hcd and uhci-hcd drivers automatically at boot time.
There are situations, namely in emergency mode, where the USB drivers won’t be available. So you won’t even be able to enter a command. This is due to the fact that in emergency mode all drivers need to be provided in the initrd file under /boot, and USB is not there by default. The trick is to add those drivers, so that they will be available earlier. The ‘mkinitrd’ command can do precisely that with the ‘–with’ argument (this only works under RHEL4):
mkinitrd –with=ehci-hcd –with=uhci-hcd /boot/newinitrd-`uname – r`.img
`uname -r`
Add a new entry in your grub.conf file (always do backups!) that points to this new initrd image, and you’re done! Your USB keyboard now works in emergency mode.
5. Using Proc
In /proc, there are subdirectories for each process running on the system, named based on the PID number of the process. In each of these directories, there is a fd/ subdirectory that contains files that represent the file descriptors the process currently has open. These files are actually symlinks that point to the actual device, socket, or other file the process currently has open and mapped to that file descriptor.
If you have a program that can read input from a file but not from standard input, or that can write to a file but not to standard output, you may be able to cheat by taking advantage of these special files:
/proc/self/fd/0 is standard input of the current process
/proc/self/fd/1 is standard output of the current process
/proc/self/fd/2 is standard error of the current process
For example if ‘myfilter’ can only read from a file, which it takes as its first argument, you can make it read from standard input instead with:
‘myfilter /proc/self/fd/0’
Another example: ‘cat filename > /proc/self/fd/2’ sends the contents of filename out stan- dard error instead of standard output.
Whether these tricks will behave in a sane manner will depend on how the process actually handles the file it opens.
6. Growing the Devices in a RAID Array
As hard disk space is ever increasing, you may get replacement drives that are significantly larger than the original devices that they replace, so this tip will show how to increase the size of a RAID array using larger partitions to replace smaller partitions in the original RAID array.
We will assume that you have a RAID 5 array using three partitions (/dev/sdb1, /dev/sdc1, and
/dev/sdd1) on /dev/md0. These partitions are 1 GB each, giving you about 2 GB of usable space. You
add new disks and create three partitions (/dev/sde1, /dev/sdf1, and /dev/sdg1) of 5 GB in size.
By the end, you should have about 10 GB of usable space.
After you have created the partitions and set the partitions type to 0xfd, you can add these devices to the array. They will become hot spares:
mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sde1 /dev/sdf1 /dev/sdg1
Fail the original devices one at a time, ensuring that the array rebuilds after each failed device.
Note: Do not fail more than one of the original devices without verifying that the array has finished rebuild- ing. If you fail two devices in a RAID 5 array, you may destroy data!
First, fail and remove the first device, and verify that the array has finished rebuilding:
mdadm /dev/md0 -f /dev/sdb1 -r /dev/sdb1 watch cat /proc/mdstat
Once it has finished rebuilding, fail the second device:
mdadm /dev/md0 -f /dev/sdc1 -r /dev/sdc1 watch cat /proc/mdstat
Once it has finished rebuilding, fail the third device:
mdadm /dev/md0 -f /dev/sdd1 -r /dev/sdd1 watch cat /proc/mdstat
After it has finished rebuilding, you have replaced all of the 1 GB original devices with the new 5 GB devices. However, we are not finished yet. We have two problems: the RAID array is still only using 1 GB of my 5 GB devices, and the filesystem is still 2 GB.
First, grow the RAID array. mdadm can grow the RAID array to a certain size, using the -G and -z options. The -z option can take a currently undocumented argument of max, which will resize the array to the maxi- mum available space:
mdadm -G /dev/md0 -z max
`cat /proc/mdstat` and `mdadm -D /dev/md0` should show that the array is now using a 5
GB device size.
Second, we need to enlarge the filesystem to match. Assuming that you have an ext3 filesystem on /dev/md0, and that you have mounted it, you can increase the size of the filesystem by using ext2online:
ext2online /dev/md0
After that command completes, you should see about 10 GB of usable space.
7. Installing Third-Party RPMs
After rebuilding a system, it may be necessary to add several additional RPMs. These could be third-party applications or vendor-specific patches. Trying to do an RPM -i or -U with an *.rpm would fail if the process encountered an error. Since the list of RPMs might include packages that were not included with the Red Hat distribution, a -F might not work. In such a case, the following could help:
find /start/dir -name “*.rpm” \
-exec rpm -Uvh –aid {} \;
The first line of the command would get a list of the RPMs available in the directory (/start/dir, in the example). The second line would install each RPM in turn. Depending on the nature of the RPMs, it may be necessary to issue the command twice, though the –aid option should attempt to resolve dependencies.
8. Partprobe
By Richard Keech, Red Hat Certified Engineer
Many system administrators may be in the habit of re-booting their systems to make partition changes visible to the kernel. With Red Hat Enterprise Linux, this is not usually necessary. The partprobe command, from the parted package, informs the kernel about changes to partitions. After all, anything that can help you avoid a re-boot has to be a good thing!
For example:
# cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name
3 0 58605120 hda
3 1 200781 hda1
3 2 2040255 hda2
3 3 56364052 hda3
8 01018880 sda
8 110224 sda1
# partprobe
# cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name
3 0 58605120 hda
3 1 200781 hda1
3 2 2040255 hda2
3 3 56364052 hda3
8 0 1018880 sda
8 1 10224 sda1
8 2 1008640 sda2
9. Pyshell
Python developers: You probably know that the python interpreter can be run in interactive mode, allowing
you to quickly try out an approach or prototype a script. Fedora includes an even more powerful version of this tool from an unlikely source. The wxPython-common-gtk2-unicode package provides files related to the wxWindows widget set and, more-or-less unrelated to the rest of the package’s contents, a tool called pyshell.
Pyshell performs the same basic function as the interactive-mode python interpreter, but with a lot of great bells and whistles. Try importing a module, such as “os” and then referencing an element of the module:
>>> import os
>>> os.
When “.” is typed, up pops a list of every property and method within the “os” module. You can use the mouse or arrow keys (plus tab-completion) to select what you want. If you select a method, begining the argu- ment list with “(” pops up a list of the method’s accepted arguments and its pydoc string, where applica- ble. The best part is that, since pyshell reads the pydoc information for each module as it is loaded, this works for any module, including those you’ve written yourself.
Moving around within pyshell can take some getting used to. The up arrow moves you up line by line instead of moving through the interpreter’s history like it does in the basic interpreter. Ctrl+Up moves through the history. However, the history is in blocks, not lines. So, for example, if you’d defined a class earlier on and then pressed Ctrl+Up, when you reached the class in your history, its whole definition would come up. You could then use the arrow keys to move around the definition, making changes. Ctrl+Enter even allows you to insert new lines into the definition. When you’re done, press Enter and the class is re-defined according to your revised code.
Pyshell makes it even easier than before to write and test small applications “on the fly.” Once you’ve got the hang of it, try out the even fancier alternative, pycrust, which integrates a number of tools for browsing structures within the interpreter’s memory, viewing output, etc into pyshell. Want more? Try pyalamode, which has all the features of pycrust, plus an integrated version of the pyalacarte text editor, for all your cut-and-pasting needs (cutting and pasting into any other editor works fine too).
10. Un-killable Processes
Before Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, there really wasn’t a good way to handle processes that had entered an uninterruptible sleep waiting on an unresponsive NFS server. This was particularly frustrating because the umount man page promises that “-f” will “Force unmount.” This allows an NFS-mounted filesystem to be unmounted if the NFS server is “unreachable.” That was how it was supposed to work, with the caveat that the filesystem must have originally been mounted with “soft” or “intr” options. Well, no more. Though the man page doesn’t say so, umount -f now comes to the rescue and will unmount hard and uninterruptible mounts.
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