Samba problems linux
Where can I learn to configure samba?
Information about samba can be got at
How to Start samba automatically when the system boots up?
Run the following command as root:
chkconfig –level 345 smb on
How To access samba directories with Linux?
a. Use “smbclient” which is ftp-like client to access SMB/CIFS resources on servers. Please see the manual page (man) for details.
b. Mount samba directories like other file systems:
mount -t smbfs //samba_server/dir /mount_point
More information is available by “man smbfs”.
c. Use GUI tools like Nautilus.
How To synchronize samba password with operating system?
To change the samba password accordingly when you change the password of operating system, please add the following lines to /etc/pam.d/passwd:
# for samba passwd sync
password sufficient audit use_first_pass
How To limit the space usage of specific users?
You can configure the quota of file system to do this. Here are sample steps:
a. Edit /etc/fstab to enable quota of the partition which you want to limit:
/dev/sda2 /home ext3 defaults,usrquota,grpquota 1 1
b. Reboot the system to make changes effective
c. Run the following command:
quotacheck -avug
d. Enable quota:
quotaon -av
e. Set the quota for specific user:
edquota -u specific_user
How To Configure Samba with xinetd?
– Make sure that smb isn’t configured to start as the system boots up
– edit file /etc/xinetd.d/samba to have the following:
service netbios-ns
disable = no
socket_type = dgram
protocol = udp
wait = yes
user = root
group = root
server = /usr/sbin/nmbd
service netbios-ssn
disable = no
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
user = root
group = root
server = /usr/sbin/smbd
Samba Not Working?
a. Check if there is anything wrong with your configuration by testparm:
/usr/bin/testparm /etc/samba/smb.conf
b. Check if the network is OK between the client and samba server by “ping”.
c. Check if firewall, /etc/hosts.allow, /etc/hosts.deny on samba server are configured properly.
d. Run “nmblookup samba_host” on client. If the IP of samba server can’t be detected.
e. Run “smbclient -L samba_host” on client to verify connectivity
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