LDAP Error 4 – Size Limit Exceeded | ODSM
When attempting to display an OID subtree with more than 200 entries ODSM displays an info window stating
LDAP Error 4 – Size Limit Exceeded. The entry “cn=….” has more than “200” child entries. ODSM gets maximum “200” child entries.
Use the “Advanced Search” or “Configure Search Filter” options to retrieve the specific entries.
How can ODSM be made to display more than 200 entries in the data browser?
Right-click on subtree entry holding more than 200 entries.
“Configure Search Filter”
set “Max Results (entries)” to a value larger than 200 but less than 1000.
Click “OK”.
This setting will only stay valid within the current ODSM session and currently needs to be re-set at the next ODSM login.
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