dfw-40112 failed to execute the adrci commands

Oracle Weblogic Server

If your Weblogic administration server shows the following error in the logs and the server hangs or becomes unstable sometimes post these errors, then please go through below steps to fix it.

[AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] [DFW-40101] [oracle.dfw.incident] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: <WLS Kernel>] [ecid: ecid] An incident has been signalled with the incident facts: [problemKey=BEA-101020 [HTTP][java.lang.IllegalStateException] incidentSource=SYSTEM incidentTime=time errorMessage=BEA-101020 executionContextId=id
[AdminServer] [WARNING] [DFW-40121] [oracle.dfw.framework] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: <WLS Kernel>] [ecid: ecid] failure creating incident from WLDF notification[[
oracle.dfw.incident.IncidentCreationException: DFW-40116: failure creating incident
Cause: DFW-40112: There was an error executing adrci commands; the following errors have been found "DIA-48315: ADR unavailable
DIA-48315: ADR unavailable
DIA-48315: ADR unavailable


JMXWatchNotificationListener><handleNotification> failure creating incident from WLDF notification
oracle.dfw.incident.IncidentCreationException: DFW-40116: failure creating incident
Cause: DFW-40112: There was an error executing adrci commands; the following errors have been found "DIA-48315: ADR unavailable
DIA-48315: ADR unavailable
DIA-48168: the ADR sub-system is not initialized
Action: Ensure that command line tool "adrci" can be executed from the command line.
at oracle.dfw.impl.incident.DiagnosticsDataExtractorImpl.createADRIncident(DiagnosticsDataExtractorImpl.java:891)
at oracle.dfw.impl.incident.DiagnosticsDataExtractorImpl.createIncident(DiagnosticsDataExtractorImpl.java:269)
at oracle.dfw.spi.weblogic.JMXWatchNotificationListener.handleNotification(JMXWatchNotificationListener.java:264)
at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor$ListenerWrapper.handleNotification(DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.java:1732)
at javax.management.NotificationBroadcasterSupport.handleNotification(NotificationBroadcasterSupport.java:257)
Cause: There was an error executing adrci commands; the following errors have been found "DIA-48315: ADR unavailable
DIA-48315: ADR unavailable
DIA-48168: the ADR sub-system is not initialized
Action: Ensure that command line tool "adrci" can be executed from the command line.
at oracle.dfw.impl.incident.ADRHelper.invoke(ADRHelper.java:1183)
at oracle.dfw.impl.incident.ADRHelper.createIncident(ADRHelper.java:870)
at oracle.dfw.impl.incident.DiagnosticsDataExtractorImpl.createADRIncident(DiagnosticsDataExtractorImpl.java:871)
... 19 more


Possible cause of this error is though you have configured the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) watches and notifications, but the ADR (Automatic Diagnostic Repository) directory is missing from the library path or the server is not able to access the path.

To fix the above issue it is recommended to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to “MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/server/adr” when using ADR to package WLDF incidents.

Please follow below steps to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH

1. Edit the startup script for the Admin Server and append the following directory to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable:


2. Clear tmp and cache folders and restart the server.
you can also check more on incident packaging at Diagnosing Problems

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