Run Openoffice As Service Script

If you are using open office or star office service to generate/process word documents , then you will be requiring below small shell script to monitor the life cycle and open office process. Below given script will perform start, stop, restart, online monitoring and offline monitoring with auto restart when ever openoffice service goes down.
Script Name:
Configurable entries:
export OO_HOME=”/opt/openoffice.org3/program” # The path to open office installation or soffice.bin file.
export OO_PORT=”8100″ # Port number the service shall bind to, default is 8100.
export OO_HOST=”″ # Host name it shall bind to, keep it if you are unsure.
export CRON_TIME=”2″ # Time interval in minutes for checking OpenOffice service status.
Available Functions:
Life Cycle Run Details:
Live Monitoring(3secs interval): (Starts the service in case it goes down during monitoring)
Automated Monitoring: (Adding entry to crontab)
Script Code:
#!/bin/sh # Shell Script to manage OpenOffice services start,stop,restart,online monitor and auto restart. ################################### # EDIT AREA ################################### export OO_HOME="/opt/openoffice.org3/program" # The path to open office installation or soffice.bin file. export OO_PORT="8100" # Port number the service shall bind to, default is 8100. export OO_HOST="" # Host name it shall bind to, keep it if you are unsure. export CRON_TIME="2" # Time interval in minutes for checking OpenOffice service status. ################################### # DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW ################################### SOURCE="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" while [ -h "$SOURCE" ]; do # resolve $SOURCE until the file is no longer a symlink SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )" SOURCE="$(readlink "$SOURCE")" [[ $SOURCE != /* ]] && SOURCE="$DIR/$SOURCE" # if $SOURCE was a relative symlink, we need to resolve it relative to the path where the symlink file was located done SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )" SCRIPT_NAME="`basename $0`" startOO() { ################################### # Start Open Office Service ################################### statusOO status=$? if [[ "${status}" == 0 && -d "${OO_HOME}" ]]; then cd ${OO_HOME}; echo -e "OpenOffice Service : \t\t\E[1;33m[ STARTING ]\E[0m "; export DISPLAY=:0 nohup ${OO_HOME}/soffice.bin -headless -nofirststartwizard -accept="socket,host=${OO_HOST},port=${OO_PORT};urp;StarOffice.Service" >/dev/null 2>&1 & sleep 5; statusOO else echo -e "OpenOffice Service : \t\t\E[0;32m[ RUNNING ]\E[0m "; fi; } stopOO() { ################################### # Stop Open Office Service ################################### statusOO status=$? #echo "Status value: $status" if [[ "${status}" == 1 && -d "${OO_HOME}" ]]; then cd ${OO_HOME}; oopid=`ps -eaf | grep soffice | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'` kill -9 $oopid statusOO else statusOO fi; } monitorOO() { ################################### # Open Office Live Monitoring ################################### while true;do statusOO status=$? if [[ "${status}" == 1 && -d "${OO_HOME}" ]]; then sleep 3; continue; else stopOO; sleep 2; startOO; fi; done; } addcron() { ################################### # Open Office Cron Job ################################### if [[ -d "${OO_HOME}" ]]; then command -v crontab >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "I require crontab access but it's not available. Aborting."; exit 1; } CRONGREP=`crontab -l | grep "${SCRIPT_DIR}/${SCRIPT_NAME} startOO" | grep -v grep` if [ "$CRONGREP" != "" ]; then echo "Crontab entry already exists, please enable it if disabled."; crontab -l; exit else crontab -l | { cat; echo "*/$CRON_TIME * * * * ${SCRIPT_DIR}/${SCRIPT_NAME} startOO"; } | crontab - echo "New Cron Entry Added: `crontab -l`"; fi; fi; } statusOO() { ################################### # Open Office Status ################################### cd ${OO_HOME} oopid=`ps -eaf | grep soffice | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'` ooport=`netstat -an | grep -v grep | grep ":${OO_PORT}" | grep LISTEN` if [[ $oopid && $ooport ]]; then echo -e "OpenOffice Service : \t\t\E[0;32m[ RUNNING ]\E[0m "; retval=1 else echo -e "OpenOffice Service : \t\t\E[0;31m[ SHUTDOWN ]\E[0m "; retval=0 fi; return "$retval" } restartOO() { ################################### # Restart Open Office Service ################################### stopOO startOO } case $1 in stopOO)stopOO;; startOO)startOO;; statusOO)statusOO;; restartOO)restartOO;; monitorOO)monitorOO;; addcron)addcron;; *) echo -e "\E[32m Usage: $0 {OPTION}\E[0m\n\E[36m Available Options:\n {\E[0m\n stopOO\t\tstartOO\n restartOO\taddcron\n statusOO\tmonitorOO\n \E[0m\E[36m}\E[0m " ;; esac
If You want to know more about open office you can go to Open Office Wikipedia Link.
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