Kill inactive session in oracle database
We had a requirement where the DB connections which are in INACTIVE state for atleast 4 hours shall be cleared from the session to free resources. here we will discuss how to automatically clean/ kill inactive session in oracle database using DBMS job.
Overall impact of an idle session on a server is usually negligible. However, that session could own shared and exclusive locks and cause lock contention for other sessions required shared or exclusive locks on the same resources/data.
First we need to update the profile to set IDLE_TIME to 4(240 mins) hours. You can change the time value according to your requirement and policy.
Step 1:
Login to the database as SYSDBA User and execute the below command
Step 2:
Login to the database as SYSDBA and create the stored procedure specified below. You can execute this as a script
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE proc_kill_inactive_sessions IS CURSOR kill_sessions_cur IS SELECT s.SID, s.serial# FROM v$session s WHERE s.status = 'SNIPED'; v_cmd VARCHAR2 (100); BEGIN FOR kill_sessions_rec IN kill_sessions_cur LOOP v_cmd := 'Alter system kill session ''' || kill_sessions_rec.SID || ',' || kill_sessions_rec.serial# || ''' immediate'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_cmd; END LOOP; END; /
Step 3:
Login to the database as SYSDBA and execute the below anonymous block as a script for creating the DBMS job.
Note: Replace the value 19/11/2014 16:00:01 with NEXT 1 hour value.
Ex: If you are running the below block at 20/11/2014 14:00:01 then specify as 20/11/2014 15:00:01
DECLARE X NUMBER; BEGIN SYS.DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT ( job => X ,what => 'proc_kill_inactive_sessions(); ' ,next_date => to_date('19/11/2014 16:00:01','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') ,interval => 'SYSDATE+240/1440 ' ,no_parse => TRUE ); SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Job Number is: ' || to_char(x)); END; / commit;
Step 4:
Verify Job & inactive sessions
The job can be verified whether it has created successfully or not by running the below query
select * from dba_jobs;
Post the job is appearing in above query, wait for 4 hours and observe whether the inactive sessions are cleared out or not by running the below query
SELECT DISTINCT * FROM gv$session WHERE last_call_et > 14400 AND username IS NOT NULL AND username NOT IN ('SYS', 'SYSTEM', 'DBSNMP', 'TSMSYS', 'OUTLN', 'EXFSYS', 'ORDSYS', 'WMSYS', 'XDB', 'MDSYS' ) AND status = 'INACTIVE';
Once all above is set in your database, the DBMS job will automatically clear/ kill inactive session in oracle database which is INACTIVE for more than 4 hours.
If you want to terminate a ACTIVE or INACTIVE session manually then you can refer Terminating Sessions from oracle for the same.
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Hi, the job is failing for me. Can you tell why that would be?
Please post what error you are seeing? and how did you configure the same.