Shell script to start nodemanager weblogic

Below shell script can be used to start the weblogic nodemanager. This script can be scheduled in cron tab to start nodemanager weblogic servers. It takes one input i.e weblogic installation home location to start the nodemanager.
Incase the nodemanager is already running it will not start the nodemanager again. This script was made available as part of life cycle automation task. you can search this website for more automation scripts like this.
#!/bin/bash #-x #Usage: #scriptfile /opt/Middleware WL_INSTALL_HOME=$1 TFILE="/tmp/nohup.$$.tmp" status=`ps -eaf | grep "weblogic.NodeManager" | grep -v grep | awk -F' ' '{ print $2 }' | wc -l` if [ "${status}" == 0 ]; then echo "`date` :Starting Weblogic NodeManager..."; nohup ${WL_INSTALL_HOME}/wlserver_10.3/server/bin/ > ${TFILE} 2>&1 & else echo "`date` :NodeManager is already RUNNING.."; exit 0; fi if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then echo "Command Failed To Execute Properly"; exit 1; fi #while true; do export a="0"; while [ $a -lt 60 ]; do count=`cat ${TFILE} | grep "socket listener started on port" | wc -l` if [ "${count}" -gt 0 ]; then echo "NodeManager Started..."; rm -f ${TFILE} exit 0; else echo "Waiting For NodeManager To Start..."; a=`expr $a + 1` fi sleep 5s; done echo "Some Issue Happened While Starting The NodeManager Please Investigate Log File ${TFILE}"; exit 1;
Output incase nodemanager is already running.
# ./ /opt/Middleware/ Wed Feb 25 02:18:23 CST 2015 :NodeManager is already RUNNING..
Output of script when node manager is down:
# ./ /opt/Middleware/ Wed Feb 25 02:19:39 CST 2015 :Starting Weblogic NodeManager... Waiting For NodeManager To Start... Waiting For NodeManager To Start... NodeManager Started...
Similarly for stopping nodemanager weblogic you can use below script:
This script does not take any argument and kills any running weblogic.NodeManager process.
#!/bin/sh status=`ps -eaf | grep "weblogic.NodeManager" | grep -v grep | awk -F' ' '{ print $2 }' | wc -l` if [ "${status}" -gt 0 ]; then kill -9 `ps -eaf | grep "weblogic.NodeManager" | grep -v grep | awk -F' ' '{ print $2 }'` else echo "`date` :Node Manager Seems To Be already in stopped state."; echo "`date` :Skipping To Stop The NodeManager Again."; exit 0; fi; if [ "$?" == 0 ]; then echo "`date` :Node Manager Successfully killed."; exit 0; else echo "`date` :Node Manager Failed To Stop."; exit 1; fi;
Note: All above scripts are tested in environments which contains single weblogic server nodemanager, incase you have multiple node managers in the same machine then you have to update the script with narrowed down grep statements.
you can get more weblogic scripts here
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